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Depot, 300 (see CacHes and DEPOTS). Dew, to collect fur dduking, 223. Diagram of altitudes and bearings, 286. Dial, sun, 42.

Diarrhma, ii.

Dier, thecry of, 191.

Digging, 216, 311.

Dirt, warmth of, 122.

Discipline, 3o8, 6.

Diseases, 1(1~

Distances, to measure, 38; travelled

over day by day, 4; loads and dis

tances, theory of, S4. Distilling, 220.

Division of game, 254; by drawing lots, 310.

Dcebereiner and (EIsner, 113. Dogs, in barns s-, 63

, 8, ; in lishing, 273 ; in finding \a ater, 212 ; as messengers, 282; to keep at bay, 254; eating snow, 219; sheep-dogs, 63.

Donkey 58 (tee "Ass").

Douglas, S;r H., I1o.

Down of blunts as tinder, 182. Drags and br,'aks, 77,

I Drain to tent•, 166.

Dray (wagon), 76.

Press iii (see CLOTHU(.) ; dressinggown, 117.

Drinking, when riding, 231 ; from muddy puddles, 224. Drowning, 21.

Drugs, 14.

Druitt, Mr., 21.

I ry, to keep, importance of, 129, 136 ; to dry clothes, 118; to keep clothes dry, 119 ; smalr packets, when swimming, 8;, 83 ; tinder in wet weather, 183 ; buried utters, 304; dry fuel, to find, 186 ; o dry neat, 196 ; fish, 196 ; eggs, 198.

Puck Shooting, 255, 266.

Dung, cattle, 184 (.sec "Cattle-dung ").

Ear-trumpet, 311.

Ecclesiastiar, 335.

Echo, as a guid in steering, 106. badge of tools, 335.

Edgington, tents, 157.

Edwards, Mr., 325.

Eggs, to dry, 198;0 bite of, as grim, 332•

Elephants, 62.

kinetics, 15.

Encainpccnts, 129 (see Biv(uac, HUT, TENT).


tsgrdulaux, lamp for cooking, 205; sp.cta.les for snow, 53 ; raw meat for scurvy, 2o; raw meat and fur bag, 14 (see " Snow ").

Estimates, 9 (see OUTr1T).


Everest, Colonel Sir G., 9.


Extract, of meat, 194 ; of tea and coffee, 210.

Eyre, General, 2z3, 235, 268.

Faggot hung to tree, as a mark, 290. Falconer, Mr., 15;.

Fat, 343 (see '° Grease ").

Feast-days, 309.

Feathers, for bed, 128 ; for mark by road-side, 292; on string, to sears game, 252.

Felt, to make, 159.

Ferns as food, 202.

Ferry, African, of calabashes, 84; of reeds, 9o; flying bridges, rao.

Fever, 16, I.

Filters, 224.

Fire, 171.-General remarks, 171 ; to obtain fire trout the sun (burningglasses, reflectors), 172 ; by conversion of motion into heat (flint and steel, guns, luelfers, fire-sticks), 113 ; by chemical means (spontaneous combustion), 180; tinder, 180; t=nder-boxes, 183; fut'l, 184: small fuel toe lighting the fire, 185 ; to kindle a spark into a flame, 186; camp fires, 187. Burning. down trees, 145, 90; hollows in wood, 93; fire-beacons, 281 ; prairie on fire, 314; fires obliterate cache marks, 301 ; leave an enduring mark, 303; Prating power of fuels, 338; blachswithery, 338; wet clothes, to dry, 118; tent, to warm, 167 ; incombustible studs, 113 (see " Brands ").

Fishing, 269.-Fishing-tackle, 269 ; to recover a lost line, 271 ; otters, 2;1; boat-fishing,271; to see things under water, 271 ; nets, 2 72 ; spearing fish, 212; intoxicating fish, 2j2; otters, cormorants, and dogs, 273. Fish roe as food, 199 ; fish, dried and pounded, 196 ; fish skin (see " Skin ") ; fish-hook fur sprimgQs, 263, 267.

Fitzroy, Admiral, 95.

i, lag,,, for signal:, 27 3.

Flannel, 111 ; to wash, 121.

Flash of sun from mirror, 277.

Flashing signals, 2;3. - alphabet, 275.

Flask,, to mend, 230, 244 (see 323).

Fh as, 18&

l lies, near cattle-kraals, 63,

Flints, 173 ; for gun, 216 ; sparks used as a signal, 281 ; as a light to show the road, 289; flint kniveo, 26i.

Floats, 83 ; floating powers of wood, 89.

Flogging, 309.

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