Preparatory Enquiries, p. 1. Organising an Expedition, 5. Outfit, 9. Medicine, 14.
Surveying Instruments, 24. Memoranda and Log-Books, 26. Measurements, 32.
Climbing and Mountaineering, 43.
Cattle, 53. Harness, 65. Carriages, 75.
Swimming, 82. Rafts and Boats, 88. Fords and Bridges, 107. Clothing, 111.
Bedding, 123. Bivouac, 129. Huts, 141. Sleeping-Bags, 150. Tents, 153. Furniture, 168.
Fire, 171.
Food, 189. Water for Drinking, 211.
Guns and Rifles, 237. Gun.fittings and Ammunition, 244. Shooting, hints on, 250. Game, other means of capturing, 262.
Fishing, 269. Signals, 273.
Bearings by Compass, Sun, &c., 283. Marks by the way-side, 289. Way, to find, 292.
Caches and Depots, 300.
Savages, Management of, 308. Hostilities, 310.
Mechanical Appliances, 322. Knots, 325. Writing Materials, 328.
Timber, 333. Metals, 338. Leather, 341. Cords, String, and Thread, 344. Membrane, Sinew, and Horn, 346. Pottery, 348.
Candles and Lamps, 348. Conclusion of the Journey, 351.